Tip, tricks and Pivotal news Blog.

Understanding Google's Local Pack: How to Rank and Boost Your Business Visibility

Understanding Google's Local Pack: How to Rank and Boost Your Business Visibility

So, what is Google’s Local Pack, more recently referred to as the local 3-pack as Google has limited the number of listings to 3, and also referred to as the Map Pack or even the Snack Pack?

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Mastering SEO Strategy: Essential Principles for Success

Explore essential principles for effective SEO in today's digital landscape, covering topics like keyword research, on-page and off-page optimisation, technical SEO, and more. It emphasises continuous monitoring and optimisation for sustained success in improving website visibility and attracting organic traffic.

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Search Engine Optimisation for Small Businesses

There are several ways a search engine optimisation agency can help your company. Learn more about SEO by checking out this guide.

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A Beginners Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Are you looking for marketing help for search engine optimisation services? Here’s a beginners SEO guide to take your digital marketing to the next level.

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How to repair and fix a hacked Wordpress website

If you own or manage a website, in particular a Wordpress website, there is a good chance that hackers have or will attempt to compromise your website at some point. This article will outline common signs of what to look for, how to fix the mess, and how to prevent further intrusions.

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How to write effective title tags and meta descriptions for SEO

So you’ve been asked to update your website and make it more “search engine friendly” to be found easier online. All you have to do is write some content that is keyword rich, update the meta tags and then Google’s algorithm will show you higher on SERPs (search engine results pages). Easy Right? Well hopefully after reading this article things will be a lot clearer - I’ll be explaining what Meta Tags (title tags and meta descriptions) are and how to write them for your content to be found more easily online and increase the number of visitors to your website.

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Is WooCommerce Good For Your Ecommerce Business?

When you're establishing yourself as an ecommerce brand, one of the most important factors to consider is which platform will do your business justice. With so many options to choose from, deciding which one to invest in can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we aim to provide you with a quick overview of one of the biggest platforms in the market and help you to evaluate if WooCommerce is a good idea for your ecommerce store.

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The Difference Between a Mobile App and a Web Application

Both mobile apps and web applications can do wonders in simplifying how your customers interact with your business and ultimately aid in increasing your sales but choosing the right one for you is not always a simple task. The web app vs mobile app decision depends on which platform your business generates the most user traffic and which features will most benefit your users both for better audience engagement and ultimate ease of selling.

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