Is WooCommerce Good For Your Ecommerce Business?

When you're establishing yourself as an ecommerce brand, one of the most important factors to consider is which platform will do your business justice. With so many options to choose from, deciding which one to invest in can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we aim to provide you with a quick overview of one of the biggest platforms in the market and help you to evaluate if WooCommerce is a good idea for your ecommerce store.

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10 Powerful Examples of Responsive Web Design

Your website is the face of your business and the first glimpse of what your brand offers. When creating a website your priority is that it should be eye-catching and well-designed. But you also want your website to be successful right? Then it should not only look good but also accessible to all users. It should be a responsive website that works on any device.

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UI vs UX: Which Comes First

You've likely heard all the buzz around UI and UX over the past few years. By now, you probably know that these are important, but you may not fully understand which to prioritise or what the difference is between the two. Take a look at everything you need to know on the UI vs UX conversation right here.

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Design is never done: an investment in your future

Design is never done: an investment in your future

I have often found myself caught in the debate between design as a product and design as a service. I happen to disagree with both sides. Sure, each has their merits and the reasoning is there and it’s easier to comprehend if you view it as one or the other. But design is more complex than that.

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Getting the best out of you: a distinct advantage

With online tools getting more & more advanced, it is now easier for business owners, marketing managers and freelancers to create great looking websites themselves. So it begs the question, why would I use an agency when I can get it cheaper or do it myself? It's a fair question and one with many different answers.

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When is it time to rebuild your website?

Clients often ask me how long a website should last and whether they should be thinking about a website redevelopment. In general we find that websites last around 3-5 years before they start to look outdated or technology has changed significantly enough to warrant a rebuild but there isn't really a one size fits all answer.

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Wordpress - Deploying untested code to prod since 2004

As a web development agency, we love Wordpress (surprised to hear that after reading the title?) and reach for it regularly...

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Freelancer vs Agency, what's the right choice for you?

When looking at proposals and providers for websites, apps or digital marketing, it's important to understand that not all providers are the same. There is a big difference between an agency and a freelancer and it's important to understand the pro's and con's with each.

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Which CMS Should I Use?

Unfortunately there isn't a simple answer to this question. There are plenty of different Content Management Systems available and they all have their unique features, benefits & disadvantages.

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The pitfalls of offshore development

A full featured website with all of the bells & whistles for just $2,000 does sound like a great deal…but is it? If you have received a proposal similar to this then it’s very likely that the development will be completed by an offshore team.

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